13 research outputs found

    Implementation of Winnowing Algorithm and Simple Additive Weighting SAW for Publication Reference Journal Search System

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    Reference journals have several different writing arrangements. In the reference journal, there is some information or words needed in making scientific journals. With this information or word retrieval system, it can help to find journals that match the similarities between input and information or words in the journal that will be used as a reference. In this study, the input process of equations and information or words will be processed using the Winnowing algorithm as an algorithm that can find the similarity of words or texts with N-gram functions, rolling hash, and Jaccard Coefficient. In general, the search only uses the same words or text without any weighting on the composition of the reference journal. To be able to find journals and their level of importance in the order of journals, a weighting method is needed. This study also uses the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method as a process to determine the value of the order of urgency in journals so that it can provide results in the form of rankings based on searches and urgency weights in reference journals. The results of the similarity query with documents obtained 60% precision, 77% recall, and 81% accuracy, documents, and documents had 41% precision, 83% recall, and 66% accuracy. using Winnowing Algorithm, the search system can detect the similarity of text

    Employee Assessment Applications Using the Graphic Rating Scale and Profile Matching Methods at XYZ University

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    Performance appraisal is an evaluation and assessment carried out to employees to find out what their abilities are and measure productivity during work. XYZ University has an employee performance appraisal which is conducted annually to determine employee promotions. The assessment process is still using the manual method and using the Graphic Rating Scale method. Graphic Rating Scale is a performance appraisal method in which an employee is assessed based on criteria that are considered important and relevant to performance and productivity. To determine a promotion, the Graphic Rating Scale method cannot do it because it takes standard values, core factors and secondary factors that are used as standards to determine promotions. Therefore, In this employee appraisal application there is a combined method used to assist the assessment process, namely the Graphic Rating Scale method and the Profile Matching method. The Profile Matching method is used because there are standard values, core factors and secondary factors that can be used as standards to determine promotions. The results of this study are on testing the Graphic Rating Scale method with the combined method of Graphic Rating Scale and Profile Matching, the combined method of Graphic Rating Scale and Profile Matching has a higher average accuracy of 78,18%, while the Graphic Rating Scale method has an average accuracy of 68,45%

    Implementation of Weighted Tree Similarity and Cosine Sorensen-Dice Algorithms for Semantic Search in Document Repository Information System

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    Document search has several approaches, including full-text search, plain metadata search and semantic search. This study uses the Weighted Tree Similarity algorithm with the Cosine Sorensen Dice algorithm to calculate the semantic search similarity. In this study, document metadata is represented in the form of a tree that has labeled nodes, labeled branches and weighted branches. The similarity calculation on the subtree edge label uses Cosine Sorensen Dice, while the total similarity of a document uses the weighted tree similarity. The metadata structure of the document uses the taxonomy owner, description, title, disposition content and type. The result of this research is a document search application with taxonomic weight on file storage

    Analisa Similaritas Model Proses Bisnis Menggunakan Metode Hybrid Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (Plsa) Dan Weighted Directed Acyclic Graph (Wdag)

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    Kebutuhan perusahaan atau organisasi dalam melakukan analisis model proses bisnis diharapkan agar perusahaan maupun organisasi dapat memahami proses yang berjalan serta dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk membantu perusahaan dalam menghadapi perubahan dan perkembangan sehingga dapat mempermudah pengambilan kebijakan yang dibutuhkan dalam menghadapi perubahan dengan cepat, misalnya pemanfaatan proses yang telah berjalan untuk digunakan dalam proses lain (reusable). Tahap awal dalam penerapan reusable proses adalah mengetahui sub proses yang menyusun proses keseluruhan, tahap berikutnya melakukan analisis terhadap sub-proses dan menghitung nilai similaritas diantara sub-proses yang dibandingkan. Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas metode dekomposisi untuk mengetahui sub-proses yang menyusun proses keseluruhan dari model proses bisnis menggunakan Refined Process Structure Tree (RPST) dan Single Entry and Single Exit (SESE), setelah itu dilakukan analisis menggunakan analisis gabungan dalam menentukan nilai similaritas diantara sub-proses. Metode analisis gabungan yang kami ajukan menggunakan Weighted Directed Acyclic Graph (WDAG) untuk analisa struktural dan Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) untuk analisa teekstual dengan tujuan mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik dari pada menggunakan analisa struktural saja. Studi kasus dalam penelitian ini menggunakan proses bisnis Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB), dengan menggunakan metode diatas proses bisnis PPDB lebih mudah dianalisa sehingga membantu perusahaan atau organisasi dalam menghadapi perubahan secara cepat dan tepat =========================================================================================== Needs of the company or organization in analyzing business process models is expected that companies and organizations can understand the processes that are running and can be used as a tool to help companies in the face of change and development so as to facilitate the decision making required in the face of change quickly, for example, the use of process have gone on to be used in another process (reusable). The initial stage in the application process is knowing reusable sub-processes that make up the whole process, the next stage of the analysis of sub-processes and calculate the value of similarity between the subprocesses that are compared. In this research will be discussed decomposition method to determine the sub-processes that make up the overall process of business process models using the Refined Process Structure Tree (RPST) and Single Entry and Single Exit (SESE), then analyzed using analysis combined in determining the value of similarity between sub process. The combined analysis method that we propose to use Weighted Directed Acyclic Graph (WDAG) for structural analysis and Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) for textual analysis in order to get better results from the structural analysis only. The case studies in this study using a business process Admission New Students (PPDB), using the above method PPDB business processes more easily analyzed and can help change quickly and accurately with the developmen

    Semantic Search for Scientific Articles by Language Using Cosine Similarity Algorithm and Weighted Tree Similarity

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    The activity of writing scientific articles by academics at universities is one of the activities that is often carried out, but when writing scientific articles problems arise regarding the difficulty of finding ideas, literature studies, and reference sources that you want to use as references when writing. Sometimes when searching on a search engine, we have trouble finding the right document, because usually, the keywords we are looking for are not in the title section but another part of the structure. Since most search engines only match titles, other structures are usually excluded from matching. So that the search results that we do sometimes don't match what we want. In addition, usually, each scientific article has many language differences in its structure as found in the abstract section. To detect similarities through the structure of scientific articles, an algorithm is used, namely weighted tree similarity, and to detect language using the N-gram algorithm, then the cosine similarity algorithm can be used to check the level of similarity in keyword text with text in scientific articles

    Implementation of the Simple Additive Weighting Method in Determining Centroids in the Process of Clustering the Poor in Kakatpenjalin Village, Lamongan Regency

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    Clustering is an algorithm in a decision support system that functions to organize an object into groups of data. In the clustering process, of course, a cluster centre is needed by the desired data group. However, the clustering process has a problem. Related research states that the results of k-means clustering can influence the selection of cluster centre points. Random selection of cluster centre points can result in different clustering results in the same data group. Not only on k-means, but k-medoids also have the same problem. So that to produce a good cluster, you must start by choosing the right cluster centre. To solve this problem, the Simple Additive Weighting method is used to select the centre point of the cluster. Simple Additive Weighting selects the centre point of the cluster by adding and summarizing the dataset. The summation is done by giving weight to each criterion and each criterion has its alternative value. From this weighted addition, the final value will be obtained. From the sum of SAW, then one of the objects with the highest and lowest values ​​can be taken to serve as the centre of the cluster

    Implementasi Integrasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit Dengan Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Sekapuk

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    Abstrak: Semakin berkembang perusahaan apalagi instansi kesehatan maka di butuhkan lebih banyak pegawai yang dibutuhkan untuk menunjang kegiatannya, akan tetapi pihak manajemen seringkali kesulitan untuk menentukan penambahan pegawai dikarenakan harus mempertimbangkan upah, karir dan kesejahteraan dari pegawai yang akan direkrut. Untuk itu diperlukan sistem informasi untuk mendukung kebutuhan pelayanan agar keterbatasan tenaga tidak menjadi penghambat pekerjaan dan mutu pada instansi kesehatan terutama pada rumah sakit. Meskipun sudah ada sistem informasi terkadang instansi kesehatan memiliki sistem informasi lebih dari satu. Hal itu tidaklah efektif dalam hal pelayanan terutama pada pemeriksaan laboratorium hal itu rentan terjadinya human error pada saat pengisian nilai hasil laboratorium dan waktu pelayanan yang lama karena harus input dua kali pada sistem informasi. Maka dari itu penulis membangun sebuah Rest-Api yang dapat mengintergrasikan kedua sistem informasi tersebut. Kedua sistem tersebut adalah sistem informasi manajemen rumah sakit (SIMRS) dengan sistem informasi laboratorium (LIS) dengan menggunakan metode Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Untuk pengujiannya sendiri penulis menggunakan metode grey box testing. Dengan adanya integrasi kedua sistem tersebut diharapkan dapat meminimalisir terjadinya human error dan waktu pelayanan yang lama pada laboratorium. Hasil yang diujikan terdapat error ketika ada data yang salah diinput kemudian tidak terbaca pada SIMRS. Hal tersebut dapat di atasi dengan maping ulang antara kode pemeriksaan yang ada pada SIMRS dengan LIS sehingga minim terjadi error pada saat mengirim hasil pemeriksaan dari LIS ke SIMRS.   Kata kunci: integrasi sistem, laboratorium, Sistem Informasi Laboratorium, Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit, rumah sakit.   Abstract: The more developed the company, especially the health agency, the more employees are needed to support its activities, but the management often finds it difficult to determine the addition of employees because they have to consider the wages, careers, and welfare of the employees to be recruited. For this reason, an information system is needed to support service needs so that limited manpower does not become an obstacle to work and quality in health agencies, especially in hospitals. Even though there is already an information system, sometimes health agencies have more than one information system. This is not effective in terms of service, especially in laboratory examinations, it is prone to human errors when filling out laboratory results and long service times because they have to be inputted twice into the information system. Therefore, the author builds a Rest-API which can integrate the two information systems. The two systems are a hospital management information system (SIMRS) and a laboratory information system (LIS) using the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) method. For the test itself, the author uses the gray box testing method. With the integration of the two systems, it is expected to minimize the occurrence of human errors and long service times in the laboratory. The results tested have an error when there is incorrect data entered and then it is not read on the SIMRS. This can be overcome by re-mapping between the existing inspection codes on SIMRS and LIS so that there are minimal errors when sending inspection results from LIS to SIMRS.   Keywords: system integration, laboratory System, LIS, Hospital System, hospital

    Implementation of EM Algorithm in Opinion Mining Movies Review Case Studies

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    Movies are very familiar to everyone, from children, adolescents to adults, whether just because they want to watch, a hobby, or fill their spare time. Movies that used to be watched only on television and had to wait months after release or directly to the cinema, with the development of technology, of course, it is increasingly easier for everyone to enjoy movies, now they can be watched through paid television services to smartphones. One of the websites that viewers often use to review movies they have watched is IMDb. The data review can be used to get an opinion or opinion mining from the audience, whether the title of the movie being reviewed is good or not. One of the algorithms that are often used is Naïve Bayes, apart from being easy to implement, Naïve Bayes is also known to be very fast and easy to use to predict classes on a test dataset. The purpose of this study is to see how much influence the Expectation-Maximization to increase accuracy on implementation of Expectation-Maximization algorithm in opinion mining movies review case studies. From the results of this study using the Expectation-Maximization method, it was found that the accuracy increased by 4% compared to using only Naïve Bayes


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    Inventaris merupakan sebuah pengorganisasian barang yang memiliki peranan penting bagi seluruh instansi, salah satunya Logistik Medis di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Gresik. Masalah yang dialami pihak Logistik Medis Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Gresik adalah menentukan jumlah barang medis yang digunakan pada periode berikutnya. Hal itu dikarenakan Logistik Medis di sana tidak ada sistem yang mengetahui jumlah penggunaan barang medis, serta untuk berjaga-jaga apabila rumah sakit kekurangan stok barang medis yang diperlukan dalam periode itu. Penambahan Metode ARIMA merupakan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, metode ARIMA dapat diimplementasikan dalam sistem peramalan penggunaan barang medis menggunakan tiga itemset (Hansaplast, Masker Tie, Adult Nasal) dalam periode tiga bulanan. Penelitian tersebut menunjukkan rata-rata kesalahan sebesar 23.57%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa metode ARIMA cukup baik digunakan untuk meramalkan barang keluar medis

    Development Authentication and Authorization Systems of Multi Information Systems Based REst API and Auth Token

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    The security of an application is the most important problem in an information system integration process. The authentication and authorization process is usually carried out using Single Sign On (SSO). Authentication and authorization methods are used to secure data in a system. The authentication and authorization processes are carried out on the client side (web browser) in the form of a session and on the server side (web server) in the form of cookies. Sessions and cookies are valuable assets in the authentication and authorization process because they contain the data required for the login process so that the session and cookies need to be secured. Session is a combination of username and password data that has been encrypted while cookies store login information data so that they are still in a state of gaining access according to the privileges given to the user. So important is the role of sessions and cookies in the authentication and authorization process, so we need a way to secure data on sessions and cookies. One way to secure data is to use the REst API and Auth Token